Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rattlesnake In A Pickle Jar

After a long day....a very long day....we saw his doctor this evening.  I went in so exhausted but still angry enough to demand something be done.  I left feeling satisfied and found a little peace.  Satisfied because the doctor saw Joseph in ALL his ADHD glory!!!!  He broke a clock and was attempting to break the scales in his doctor's office.  He attempted to turn off the lights.  He talked none stop about things that didn't make sense.  When I told him the doctor could not see in the dark he asked, "How do you know he doesn't have night vision, huh?"  I said because he is not a robot.  He asked "how do you know?"  This went on for 30 minutes straight. 

And then I felt peace because I said what I had to say and demanded solutions.  I told HIM how it was going to be.  I told him that I would bring Joseph to the hospital and leave him there while he is monitored and the meds adjusted until something works.  I told him I was seeking RTC and that this would be the best thing for him.  He did NOT disagree.  He listened....and that means a lot!!!

He put him on Tenex which I asked for and Munroe Meyer had suggested.  He added Ambilify with his evening medication.  And also put him on Ritalin...a small dose....that may help the Tenex even more.  And then......................as always........insurance!  They would not cover the Ritalin until they got a doctor's pre-authorization.  As I am telling David about this Joseph says from the backseat, "Well, that makes about as much since as a rattlesnake in a pickle jar!"  Sometimes that boy is SO smart and profound it just scares me!!!!  I agree, Joseph.....I agree!!!!  So we will see what happens with that.

So we got some medications to try, a school to look into, and a plan for the future.  And now I am tuckered out!  He is fast asleep and I have to grab every moment that I can.  I just wanted to update all of you.  Thank you for all the prayers, the emails, the masses and the rosaries offered for our family.  I can not believe how strong I feel tonight.  I know that it is your prayers holding me up!!!  God bless!!

Tuckered out....Joseph at the air show.  This is how he deals with stress in public.
Over 90 degree day so the cement is hot.  But he was done!

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