Saturday, February 4, 2012

School, Snow and Seroquel

Fundraiser dance for Villa Marie

Joseph's second week of school went much better than the first.  He stayed all week!  I didn't even get a phone call from him.  We met him that Friday night at the dance hall where the school was having a fundraiser.  He was dancing with his fellow students having a great time.  All he did was wave to us!  He was so happy and did not want to leave. 

The weekend, however, was horrific!  He really needed to be brought to the hospital several times but we held off hoping things would settle down.  He did not have school Monday which meant a long and hard 3 day weekend.  We decided that if the new medication (actually an old one we have gone back to taking) did not kick in and things didn't get better I would find a place to stay on the weekends and keep him away from everyone.  Those plans are still there on the back burner.

The new/old medication, Seroquel, is working.  He is not hallucinating any longer.  Which means that he is mentally ill.  The medication is for treating schizophrenia.  He has not been diagnosed with this but instead bi-polar, however, it is very common for children to have their diagnoses change as they age.  The bottom line is that the medication is working.

The third week of school went great!  I picked him up this past Friday and again, he was not happy about coming home.  We have worked hard all week trying to make changes that he would not notice but would make a difference.  We locked up all his Transformer toys and decided he would get one back per hour that he was well behaved pending his request for them.  So far, he has not asked.  We locked up all electronics.  We have gentle quiet music playing.  The lights are very low, if on at all.  And we are not reacting to his behaviors.  So far, so good.  And THIS IS A MIRACLE as we are snowed in for the weekend!!!!

Joseph, far right in red

He has been out but doesn't like it much.  He comes in and sits downstairs singing at the top of his lungs the church music he has learned at school.  "Never too young to preach the gospel, never too young to bring Good News....".  I think him being at school during the week has given our whole family a chance to heal during the week and to be strong enough to deal with him on the weekend.  God has given us a new understanding and love for him.  The opportunity to practice patience and true charity are always present.

Blessed are you who take the time to listen to difficult speech,
If I persevere, I can be understood.
Blessed are you who never bid me to "hurry up"
Or take my tasks from me and do them for me.
For I often need time, rather than help.
Blessed are you who stand beside me as I enter new and untried ventures, Myself and You.
Blessed are you who ask for my help.
For my greatest need is to be needed.
Blessed are you who, with a smile encourage me to try once more.
Blessed are you who never remind me
That today I ask the same question twice.
Blessed are you who respect me and love me just as I am.
Author Unknown

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