Monday, August 23, 2010

Temple Grandin

If you have not heard of her you have to read her story!  She is severely autistic but has overcome her problems (they are NOT cured...she has just learned to deal with them) and she is now a professor and animal scientist.  She speaks at conferences across the country.  She is the speaker in the last video link I sent.  There is a movie out about her that is excellent.  We rented it yesterday and watched it twice back to back. 

When Joseph saw what movie I rented he asked me about her.  He wanted to know if she was a cowgirl.  I told him the truth.  He wanted to know what autism is and I told him it is something you are born with that makes you see the world in a different way than other people do.  He asked me if this is what he has.  I never lie to my children.  I honestly don't.  If they ask me about the "tooth fairy" or Santa or Easter Bunny I tell them the truth.  So, I gently said "yes, this is what you have but you will see that you can become!" 

I learned several things from watching the movie.  I see why certain things bother him and why he destroys them.  I am anxious to get him into the therapy to see what type of autism he has.  I think his strengths will be in music and math.  We will see.  Please rent this movie!  It is so amazing to look inside the mind of an autistic person.  I see the fear Joseph has been living with.  He, too, seems happy to know what is wrong and that we can do something to make it better.

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